Nascent author, IA, & friend
Donna Maurer tagged me for the '8 things you didn't know about me' meme. The rules are simple:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules
- List EIGHT random facts about yourself
- Tag EIGHT people at the end of your post and list their names
- Let them know they’ve been tagged
Some things you didn't know about me:
- I can play a range of musical instruments (more or less rusty on each of them) including bass guitar, flute, clarinet, saxophone & trombone;
- I practice calligraphy and have an interest in pens. My collection of fountain pens includes feather quills, retro '40s celluloid, some more conventional fountain pens and a glass stylus from Florence;
- I once spent three weeks driving from Port Augusta in South Australia to Darwin in the Northern Territory, locating, surveying, photographing & documenting the colonial & indigenous artifacts at each of the telegraph repeater stations through the central Australian deserts.
- When I was a boy I couldn't decide whether to be a doctor, mathematician or archaeologist. As an adult I've been able to try my hand at each of them.
- As a 7yr old I set a record for shot-put for my local region. The record stood for 18 years.
- I've nearly died twice - once during birth; once in 2002 (an infection had eaten a hole from my middle ear into my cranium).
- I'd love to learn to speak French. As a nominally-educated person I feel the lack of a second language keenly. It would also allow me to read french literature.
- My first car was a mini. I had it 5 months and then my older brother rolled it down a ditch and wrecked it (accidentally - he fell asleep).
Now for those 8 others I'd be interested to learn a little more about:
- Lisa Herrod - smart, chic usability chick, and her soon-to-be-husband Lachlan Hardy - a good & smart fellow in his own right.
- Shane Morris - because although I've known him a long time, I really don't know him much at all;
- Russ Weakley - so I know something other than what comes out during a drinks break at a WSG meeting
- David Malouf - any fan of both Stargate SG-1 & Battlestar Galactica is worthy of further scrutiny
- Pabini Gabriel-Petit - my editor at UXMatters of whom I know very little aside from her grammatical skills & penchant for sci-fi TV
- and the two Dans - Dan Saffer & Dan Brown - two of the IxD community leaders I'd like to know better